GreenTech and Sustainability Venture Day

Cyberport extends an invitation to potential collaborators, including Friends of the Earth, HK Green Finance Association, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node, and GIS Academy, for the "GreenTech and Sustainability Venture Day". 

This premier event is poised to be a centerpiece of the International GreenTech Week, as introduced in the 2023-24 Budget Speech. Focusing on carbon emission reduction, sustainability, and the transformative power of green technologies. The target audience includes investors, entrepreneurs, startups, academia, enterprises, and government officials driving change in the green tech and green finance sectors.

The event covers Green FinTech updates on data driven SDG-aligned impact investment and how data can support Fis to navigate in extreme weather events and GreenTech updates on energy trends, green building solutions, and sustainable living practices. Participants can forge partnerships and explore rewarding invest ment opportunities in the green tech landscape.

The Cyberport Start-up Community would engage in four captivating sharing sessions revolving around “Examine the role of Smart City and Green Development”, “Green Technologies and Sustainability: A New Trend and Opportunities”, “How Technology Can Support Better Alignment and Tracking of SDG-Aligned Investment” and “How Technology and Emerging Data Allow Us to Navigate Into Extreme Weather and Eventually Support The Development of Transition Finance”.

Keynote 1 : The Role of Smart City and Green Development

Ir Dr Cary Chan, JP

Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council

Panel 1 - Examine the role of Smart City and Green Development

Ir Dr Cary Chan, JP

Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council

Dr Charleston Sin

Director, Cyberport

Prof. Davis Bookhart

Director, Sustainability/Net-Zero Office, HKUST

Sr Paul Tsui

Honorary Advisor, GIS Academy

Prof. Sunnie SY Lau

Director, Head of Sustainability Research and Industry Collaboration, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node ; Adj. Associate Professor

Dr William Yu

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, World Green Organisation

Panel 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainability: A New Trend and Opportunities

Mr Angues Chan

Co-founder, Butler

Mr Arthur Lam

Co-founder and CEO, Negawatt Technology Limited

Ir Dr Edward Chan

Deputy General Manager, Project Management Department, Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd

Miss Pamela Leung

Corporate Communications Director, Hong Kong Housing Society

Mr Patrick Siu

COO, MEGA Automation Limited

Mr Ricky Choi

Senior Manager, Smart Living, Cyberport

Keynote 2: Nurturing Hong Kong's Sustainable Finance & Ecosystem

Ms Georgina Lok

Head (Market Development), Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Keynote 3: New Era of Digitized Green Economy

Mr Plato Yip Kwong-to

Chairperson, Friends of the Earth(HK)

Panel 3 - Evolving of Reporting Standards & How tech can help

Mr Fred Li

Executive Director, Gobi Partners GBA

Ms Elsa Pau

Founder & Group CEO, BlueOnion

Mr Dave Sandor

Co-founder & CEO, Allinfra

Mr Max Song

CEO, Carbonbase

Mr Victor Yim

Head of Fintech, Cyberport

Panel 4 - Climate Riks and Transition Finance

Ms Vivi Hu

Co-founder & CEO, YoujiVest

Dr Florian M Spiegl

Founder & CEO, EVIDENT

Ms Serena MAK

Executive Director, Sustainable Finance, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank (Hong Kong)

Ms Jenny Lee

Deputy Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association

Mr Ben Wong

General Manager, Technology Innovation, New World Development